Oppose H.R. 30 Which Would Harm Immigrant Survivors

Find out more about H.R. 30 and take action
to stand with immigrant survivors

February 2025H.R. 30 would broaden the range of conduct that could give rise to inadmissibility based on domestic violence, with no exception or waiver for self-defense. As a result, the bill will increase the risk that survivors of domestic violence could be deemed inadmissible and ineligible for relief meant to protect them from deportation.

Instead of strengthening protections for survivors of violence, H.R. 30 contributes to the harmful demonization and divisive stereotyping of immigrant communities. The bill passed the House on January 16, 2025, and may be considered in the Senate any day now. AIS strongly urges a NO vote on this proposal.

For more resources on this and related federal immigration policy proposals, executive orders,
and administrative actions, see our
AIS Explainer and AIS Resource List.